EU-VRi and the Cross-ETP Initiative on Industrial Safety (ETPIS)

EU-VRi is officially the Operating Agent of ETPIS (European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety) since November 2008.

ETPIS addresses safety of industrial installations and production systems from various industry sectors: manufacturing, chemical including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, buildings, transport systems and related structural components.
ETPIS deals with occupational health and safety of the workers in industry, environmental safety, and the prevention of major accidents with off-site consequences.

ETPIS works on 3 lines:

· Conventional risks, improving the safety performance in all industry sectors and reducing the impact of accidents taking into account technical, human, organisational and cultural aspects, and the current ‘state-of-the-art methods’ for safety management.

· Emerging risks, accompanying the innovative industry to reduce the time to the EU market and reach public acceptance of new technologies and products by implementing e.g. the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 16649:2013 ‘Managing emerging technology-related risks’ adopted on June 26, 2013

· Safety technologies, products and services, guaranteeing the leadership of the EU safety industry on personal protective equipment, safety systems, inspection and control...

Improvement of industrial safety is important not only in human terms, to reduce workers’ pain and suffering, death toll and environmental & societal impact in case of major accidents, but it is also a way of ensuring that enterprises are successful and sustainable in economic terms.

The "Common House" of the European Industrial Safety (EIS)


"Common House" is a dynamic structure, following research on Industrial Safety and related innovation processes across the European Union. The goal is to make Europe a more coherent system towards Industrial Safety and to help in better coordinating respective future EU activities with those in Member States, Associated Countries, industry and academia, to avoid duplications of results and unaddressed gaps.
More information.


For more information on ETPIS visit the official website of the platform: