2B Srl

Address/ Contact person

Via della Chiesa Campocroce 4
31021 Mogliano Veneto, Italy
Mr. Leo Breedveld, breedveld(at)to-be.it


2B Srl, in short 2B, is an environmental consultancy specialised in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) offering a range of related services like ecodesign, ecolabel, industrial ecology and environmental communication. Our philosophy consists in sharing our know-how and a personalised service, providing optimal decision support in relation to sustainable development.


Key Business / Risk Area

Business Areas:




Infrastructure & Construction


Social science & humanities



Industrial Technologies





Risk Areas:

Risk Governance

Industrial Risk

Environmental Risks

Occupational Risks

Financial Risks

Social/Societal Risks

Health Risks

Asset Integrity Risks (RBI etc.)

Life Cycle Analysis

Standards and Regulations















Main Products / Services

2B is the Italian reseller of the LCA software SimaPro, and is part of a worldwide LCA network of more than 20 partners. 2B has experience in various sectors, like energy, waste, packaging, agriculture and food, chemistry, water management, paper and pulp, furniture and buildings. 2B is active both in Italy and abroad and works with companies in many industrial sectors, public administration and more than 25 Italian universities. Our services comprise:

  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • Social Life Cycle Assessment
  • Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
  • Carbon footprinting
  • Water footprinting
  • Environmental communication








Key Projects
(running or just finished)

  • PlasmaNice - Atmospheric Plasmas for the Nanoscale Industrial Surface Processing, www.tut.fi/plasmanice
  • iNTeg-Risk - Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related Risks, www.integrisk.eu-vri.eu
  • INCOM - Industrial Production Processes for Nanoreinforced Composite
  • IP4Plasma - Industrial innovations based on EU intellectual property assets in the field of atmospheric plasma technology
  • LiCEA - Life Cycle based Energy Audits, www.licea.eu 



Why we joined EU-VRi?

We joined EU-VRi in order to add the concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to the topic of Risk Management and to contribute to the implementation of LCA in Risk Management, like we did in the IntegRisk project with for instance the CCS case study. In the light of European research programmes like FP7, Horizon 2020, 2B is a suitable partner to take care of the LCA, LCC and sustainability assessment of the proposed new technology or product.